Medium format field 10-30 player

Jungle is a field that we have left pretty much unimproved.
We did this so that we wouldn't forget how much work
we've done to clean and develop the fields we have.
It will be a lot like playing behind your house. The terrain
is flat with heavy undergrowth. You could be within a few
feet before you see each other. In this tangle of vegetation
we have a downed predator drown that you have to reach
before the other team and extract the hard drive. Then get
it back to your start point. It's a nice variation of capture
the flag. This is a game we use in our scenario play and it's
fun and exciting.

We've also established Checkpoint Delta. It's a new add to
the field. It will be played much like Checkpoint Charlie.
The idea is to get as many of your people through it alive
as possible or get a high value target through it without
them being shot.

We will be trying a new SNIPER format on Jungle this
season so if you're a paintball sniper this game is for you.
We want 2-4 sniper teams. 1 or 2 people each. They will
start in different corners and hunt each other trying to
rack up kills. But here's a new twist. Other groups of
players on their way to deeper fields like Bravo or
Village will pass through your area. They will be targets
of opportunity for you as you will be for them. So when
you see a group of 20 walking down the trail you have to
decide to engage it or let it pass?